How to ged rid of spam in Wordpress
In this tutorial I’m going to teach how to install Growmap Anti Spambot Plugin so you don’t need to be worried about spam comments in your Wordpress anymore.
G.A.S.P creates a checkbox in your comment form that you need to check before you can comment. It uses client side javascript so bots should not see it. In my case it has been working and I haven’t got any spam commets in a long time.
If you need more help installing plugins here is a tutorial: How to add plugins to your WordPress manually
Download and add plugin
Download the plugin and unzip package
$ wget
$ unzip
Remove unnecessary zip and move G.A.S.P folder under plugins
$ rm
$ mv growmap-anti-spambot-plugin/ wordpress/wp-content/plugins/
Activate the plugin
Now in you have installed G.A.S.P
Hint: how to change text
If you want change checkbox text or popUp text etc. You can change text (lines are 114-117)
$ nano wordpress/wp-content/plugins/growmap-anti-spambot-plugin/growmap-anti-spambot-plugin.php
114 'checkbox_alert' => __('Please check the box to confirm that you are NOT a spammer','ab_gasp'),
115 'no_checkbox_message' => __('You may have disabled javascript. Please enable javascript before leaving a comment on this site.','ab_gasp'),
116 'hidden_email_message' => __('You appear to be a spambot. Contact admin another way if you feel this message is in error','ab_gasp'),
117 'checkbox_label' => __('Confirm you are NOT a spammer','ab_gasp'),