How to get shared Git repository to server
This tutorial
- I’m creating shared folder that is easy to share with other users
- I’m creating Git repository to local and move it to server so other users can us it as well.
I’m using Xubuntu 12.04.03 32bit
You need to have installed openssh-server and git.
Create user and lock it.
Create folder and give group rights. Use SetGID ( ‘s’ ) so all folders have same permissions.
Add folder owner group to soivishare and add it to users what can use the shared folder.
You need to logout / exit to get rights working.
Login again and create file.
Now you have shared folder.
Create repository
Create folder what you want to add in repository.
Create empty git and add README file
Add and commit. Using -m you can write message directly to commit command.
Add repository to your repository
Push your project to repository
Modify README and test repository really works
Create new folder and make clone.
Test that your newest version comes to repository.
Now you have:
- Shared folder that other users can use
- Local repository
- Server repository
Initializing Git remote server
Git from Offline to Network
Shared Folder with chmod SetGID